Adam believes in empowering people. One way he finds fulfilment is by providing people the opportunity to purse their dreams. Adam has been an Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) mentor for 6 years and trained over 20 students. Adam focuses on developing student’s molecular/cellular biology technical and analytical, collaboration, written and oral communication, and time/project management skills. Adam’s students have gone on to pursue opportunities in industry, advanced degrees, and public service. 

The creation of a genetic rescue virus which was used to verify a phenotype identified in our reverse genetics screen.

Undergraduate genetic rescue project

The creation of a genetic rescue virus which was used to verify a phenotype identified in our reverse genetics screen.
Experimental workflow for examining the roles of HCMV circRNA's in gain-of-function experiments.

Undergraduate circRNA project

Experimental workflow for examining the roles of HCMV circRNA’s in gain-of-function experiments.
TEM micrograph of immature herpesvirus capsids accumulating in the nucleus of infected cells.

Undergraduate capsid morphogenesis project

TEM micrograph of immature herpesvirus capsids accumulating in the nucleus of infected cells.

Developing Talent

Adam helps students discover their passions, improve their skills, expand their competencies, and challenge themselves with new experiences. 

Fostering Creativity

Adam pushes students to develop their creativity by employing divergent thinking and a problem-centric paradigm

Cultivation of Authentic Leadership

Students are assigned to work in teams to achieve a common goal. Whether is the completion of an experiment, design of a figure, or the critical assessment of a paper, Adam strives to build a supportive and collaborative culture of individuals. This encourages students to build open and meaningful relationships that foster trust and self-awareness.